My son, Hunter is now playing in the Summer Lacrosse League in California.
This weekend we had a tournament in San Francisco (we went 4-1) and another in Truckee, California (Northern end of Lake Tahoe) next weekend. Then every weekend for the rest of the summer.
Because I don't know precisely what the next few weekends' schedules are, I am pre-empting being "out" with a combination of days so we don't miss any training sessions.
For today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Dynamic Deadlift v. Double Mini Bands: 20x1
Pull-Throughs: 4x15
GHR: 4x15
Leg Curl: 4x15
Ab Wheel: 3x15
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 3x10;1x20
C/S Row: 3x10; 1x20
V Bar Pulldown: 3x10;1x20
C/S DB Row: 3x10;1x20
Seated Hammer Curl: 3x10; 1x20
Preacher Curl: 3x10; 1x20
Concentration Curl: 3x15
Dead Hang: 60 seconds
Cycle: Commute