Fat Grip and 4orce Grips are two simple tools that will challenge any grip and the muscle in the forearms.
We are in a block of them for the next few weeks and they humble everyone.
I was at an increment this early morning that I knew everyone would be at later. No, it wasn't the weight, but it was somewhere in a set of four reps the question in your head would speak rather loudly, "Do you want to? REALLY?"
I began to lose my grip at a normally moderate weight and I was going to "settle" and call it a day, until the other voice jumped into my noggin and reminded me that "If I wasn't willing to go for it, how can I ask others to?"
I got gritty and bit down and suffered through the set. THEN to make sure, I added a bit more and did it again!! ONE MORE TIME? Sure, why not? So up I went, got to the third rep and as I strained against the fourth the bar slipped my wasted hand strength.
I attempted the rep again...DETERMINED to stay the course, but to no avail
I was beaten by the weight. Which I can live with.
What I can't live with is had I "QUIT" I surely could not accept that.
No quit...EVER! Getting beaten, OK (still don't have to like THAT) but quitting...NEVER...EVER!
Today's Training:
Cycle: 29 mins
Prowler: 19X180 Yards
KB Swing: 8x40
Deadlift: Fat Gripz;4 rep max; Double overhand grip only
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
Ab Wheel: 3x15
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x15
Cycle: 26 mins. (I didn't stop for the long light)