Often when using DBs for a max effort exercise getting them into position is an exercise all unto its own. The floor press is no different.
Once the weight becomes significant and is hard to arm wrestle, I like to turn them up on their ends and sit down between them.
I then lean the dumbells in so the inside bell is on the top of my leg and it still is sitting on the floor on the other end.
At this point, I start to lean back to lay down and slide my heels on the floor toward my butt like I was doing a Leg Curl.
The moment my elbows touch the floor I hip-pop the DBs into place in the ready position.
Once I'm done with the exercise, I bring my legs back up to catch the weight so I don't smash it on the floor.
Furthermore, it gives me "bragging rights" to any of the others that ask for "help to get them into position". No siree Bob, I manhandled them...YOU manhandle them. (LOL while pointing at the lifter)
There were many exciting personal bests today in the DB Floor Press. THAT to me is a lot of fun!!!
Train hard and never drink and drive.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45
Concept II Row: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45
Dumbell Floor Press: 6 RM
Dumbell Supine (on the floor) Tricep Extension: 10 RM
Single Arm Mini Band Push-down: 1 continuous set to 100 reps even if you are barely moving it.
Fly (Cable or DB): 1 continuous set to 100 reps
Ab Crunch: 100 reps
Dead Hang: 60 seconds
Cycle: Commute
Run: 5x100 yds sprints