I am all for spontaneity. In certain areas of life, change can be a good thing. After all, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll get what you already have".
However, I have come to realize that if I don't do certain things as if they were rituals, then my day or week could be shot to shit.
I'm not talking about superstitious things or any hocus pocus (I'm not that guy) but as an example, IF I don't ride my bicycle to and from work, I have a shitty day. The bike ride is "ME" time. No one bugging my ears, no interference with my objective, and a great way to get my big gears moving.
I didn't ride in yesterday and had a crappy start to the day that continued until my head hit the pillow last night.
Today? Without pause, I rode with the singleness of heart and soul (Pun intended) to be clear-minded, well-organized, and Cardiovascular warm and ready.
I was!
My commute can no longer be an option. It is never to be compromised again.
Today's Training:
Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20
4-way Neck: 1x15
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Pin Press: (set 4" above the chest): 3x3 with weight increases each set
DB Bench Press: 5x10
DB Row: 5x10
Cable Rope Pushdown: 4x12