I look BACK on today's workout and think, "Man, if I looked at this entire thing BEFORE I did it, I might not have finished". But, whenever I know it's going to be a long one, or a challenging one, I never look at the entirety of the task. I simply look at the very next objective and focus on its completion.
I've applied this technique to everything that seems overwhelming. Even the Ironman Triathlon of which I competed in three of them.
I took each of the three tasks and separated them into smaller chunks and I believe THAT is what got me through that test of will.
Today was no different.
First thing, get to the gym via my bicycle.
Second thing, push the first Prowler and recover.
Third...FINISH the Prowler
Fourth...etcetera, etcetera...
Yes, there is a lot to do today. But breaking it out into small tasks one after the other is the way to go.
One thing at a time and first things first...Drink half your body weight in Oz. of water and get to bed at a reasonable hour.
Don't pick up any strangers hitchhiking.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 10x80 yds
Dynamic Squat: 10x2
16" Box Jump: 10x2
Leg Press: 3x12;1x24
Leg Extension: 3x10;1x20
Ab Wheel: 3x12;1x24
Dead Hang: 60 seconds
Cycle: Commute