1. You aren’t a hero or even a good person just because you’re in the military
  2. You are much closer to being poor and homeless than you are to being super rich
  3. It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.
  4. Some people are bad parents.
  5. Most people genuinely do not care about you or your opinions, which is just fine
  6. No matter how Having a University degree doesn't guarantee you a job
  7. Most people shouldn’t have kids.
  8. Life will never be exactly like it was before the pandemic started.
  9. You can't run from yourself. Moving towns, cities, or even countries won't automatically change who you are
  10. It's nice to be important but more important to be nice.
  11. It just takes a second to destroy what has taken years or centuries to make.
  12. Not everything happens "for a reason" or because of something you have (or have not) done.
  13. All your bones are wet right now
  14. If you don’t take care of your teeth when you’re young, you’ll regret it when you’re old. Brush twice a day, goddamnit.
  15. You’re not special… but that’s okay because everyone is not special together.
  16. The odds that you die tomorrow are way higher than winning on that lottery ticket.
  17. You need to stop procrastinating and get that thing you've been needing to do done already.
  18. Your boyfriend/husband is always going to find other women attractive.
  19. There are some people who just are NOT going to like you. And you will have done nothing to deserve, cause, or warrant it. It’s not your fault.

Today's Training:


4-way Neck: 1x8

Ab Wheel: 4x12

Max Effort Bench: 6 Rep (Beat Last Week's #)

Pull-ups: 7x 1/2 the amount you can go totally bonkers getting X BW In other words, if you can do 20 reps, do seven sets of 10.

If you can't do ONE pull-up, LOSE WEIGHT, and try harder!

DB Supine Tricep Extension/DB Hammer Curl (super set) 5x10 use the fat gripz
