As you get older pain will show up for no particular reason. One minute everything is fine and you go to bed satisfied and tired. You sleep a solid eight hours and when you wake up...BAM! Something is wrong somewhere.
My latest experience was in the socket of my hip. I squatted with my crew on Saturday and everything was fine Saturday afternoon/night right into Sunday. Even Sunday morning was good. But that Sunday evening, here it comes...Crippling pain in the hip. Sore to the touch, sore to move, can't walk, can't even bend over to take off my socks.
Monday I'm hobbling around like a rodeo cowboy. Same thing Tuesday. Mind you, I am still riding my bike to commute, and doing it under duress.
Wednesday is Dynamic Squat/Deadlift Day and I'm considering not doing it. I couldn't get to sleep Tuesday night and I tossed and turned until about 1:30 AM when I finally said, "screw it. Let's go"
I got up and went to the gym by 3:00 AM and was still contemplating doing foam roller and body tempering stuff when I heard my voice say, "Squats fix everything".
So I did. I took the bar for a few reps on a HIGH box, then moved the seat to parallel. Did a few more sets and then started adding the weight.
As I got closer to my 50% weight for my sets I kept feeling better and better. 10 sets later and I was ready to start my Deadlifts.
Did the 10 sets of deads and now I was on top of the world again!!! Pain-Free!
Once I finished the entire session, I was totally jazzed.
Squats fixed my hip pain
Squats fix depression
Squats fix weakness
Squats fix hunger
Squats fix relationship issues
Squats fix broken hearts
Squats fix pay raises
Squats fix cloudy days
Squats fix....
Today's Training:
GHR: 50 reps in as few sets as possible
Dynamic Squat: 10x2x50%
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1x50%
Reverse Hyper: 4x12
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12