I hear all the time how so and so motivates you. You need a certain "playlist" in order to be motivated to train. You need your PRE workout in order to "get up" for your workout so you can kill it. That a certain person "motivates" you to do better.
All of that EXCITES you, but it doesn't motivate anyone.
Motivation comes from your "insides". Something deep down in the heart of your soul is either moving TOWARDS something, like a goal, a reward, or any of the gajillion positive reinforcers out there, OR...you are moving AWAY from something and I mean like RUNNING AWAY. It may be you need to lose 100 lbs or you're going to die of diabetes and heart issues. Your significant other is dumping you and sending you into a downward spiral. Or again, a bajillion of any negative reinforcers.
But YOU motivate YOU! What are you filling your own head with? How comfortable do you make your life? Will you be "Battle Ready" when the shit hits the fan?
Only YOU can answer that.
As for me and my kind??? Yea, we thrive on that stuff.
It's GO time!
Today's Training:
Cycle: 28 mins
Prowler: 10x80 yards
KB Swing: 8x40
Pause Box Squat: 6 RM; 2 inches BELOW parallel; SSB Yoke Bar; Go up in small increments to front-load the volume. Keep adding until you can't get six reps.
Straight Leg Deadlift: 3x12
GHR: 5x10
Cycle: 27 mins.