Chad Aichs and I live about four hours from each other with a couple of destination spots in between.
Since I was heading to Lake Tahoe this past weekend for my son's Lacrosse Tournament I figured I give it a shot to see if Chad would like to come to see a game and hang out for a couple of hours.
I messaged him on Thursday, then gave him the schedule and locations, and then POOF! I was off the grid. (I don't have a cell phone and I don't take my computer or iPad or anything with me, anywhere)
I figured he would use his abundant resources and intellect and I was right! We connected and had what I call, "An enlightening chat".
Not only is Chad a VERY large man with a BOOMING voice, but he is also one of the SMARTEST people in the industry.
We covered a lot of subject matter and it was as if he was conducting a seminar for my benefit.
Not only did I get to watch my kid play sports, but I also got educated in a method that I could apply immediately. From the benefits of Mg gel, to post-workout recovery. From restorative workouts to the benefits of not training at all. We covered the new wave of cold therapy and old fashion static stretching to calling "Rucking" what it really is, which is Hiking with additional weight.
Mr. Aichs likes to keep things simple, which works well for me. I was happy that he could teach me as if I were a second grader. (Thanks, Chad)
Dave Tate has assembled not only the strongest of people but the smartest as well. People with such knowledge AND wisdom all collected on one team.
I would HIGHLY recommend talking to any member on a personal basis if you ever get the chance.
You'll come away smarter which will help you get stronger, which will help you get sexier!
Remember to call your parents and tell them you love them. (If they're not around look to the heavens and let them know you STILL love them)
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 5 mins steady; 15x10/45
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: 4x12
Bentover BB Row: 4x12
DB Row: 4x10
DB Curl: 4x12
Rack Scraping "Drag" Curl: 4x12
Pullups: 1
Pushups: 10
Chin-ups: 1
Dips: 10
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x12
Dead Hang: 60 seconds
Cycle: Commute