If it seems like a lot of training was done today, it was!
Often I will have my crew come in on a Saturday to Squat or Deadlift but feeling like I wanted a two day weekend preceding our Independence Day celebration, I thought we would plain old fashion "CRUSH OURSELVES"! So I combined the two workouts.
Satisfied, and hungry is a great feeling. (I don't want to do this too often though)
But that's it! Enjoy!!!
Today's Training:
4-way Neck: 1x8
GHR: 60 reps
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Deficit Deadlift: 4 rep Max
- Double Overhand
- No straps
- Don't go Apeshit but do go Monkeyshit
3 Board Press: 3x3 increasing the weight each time
45-degree Back Extension: 4x10x25 behind the head
DB Chest Press: 5x10 increase the weight of each set
Mt. Dog Row: 5x10 increase the weight of each set
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 5x15
Barbell Curl: 5x10