If you are around me for any length of time, you know that I am a bit of a control freak. I have to know what is going on in my gym at all times. You do what I tell you to do without adding any more or doing any less.
I have 100 written rules that I demand my participants to adhere to. Some of them are quirky, but hey, I don't care. You live by them and I make you healthier, stronger, faster, more enduring, smarter, and damn well...sexier!
At times I come across as the first twenty minutes of "Full Metal Jacket" like Gunnery Sargent Hartman, but then there are other times when a person needs a little more encouragement than a dictating tyrant.
I am tough on people, but I am fair. I make it a point to "sandwich" my criticism between two pieces of positive reinforcements of my flavor. I like to meet everyone where they are, with the expectation of where I see them.
When I see ANYONE in the gym, whether they are in my program or not, I think everyone needs to know that someone gives a damn about them.
The best business advice I ever received was from my first "Boss" when I was a 17-year-old Nautilus Trainer, "Say hello and goodbye to everyone. Do it by their name if you can, and if you can't remember their name give them a really cool nickname".
A close second to that tidbit is..."Don't ALWAYS be a Dick". Sometimes being a dick is what is needed, but you don't have to continually drive people into the ground. Sometimes they need to be lifted up (for whatever reason). Sometimes "The Coach" is the only one that believes in them, even above themself.
If you are a coach, remember this. That participant might be in dire straits and acting as if NOTHING is wrong. While it is YOUR primary objective to improve their strength, they might simply need a little encouragement for this day!
Don't be a dick! Don't talk to anyone with bad breath. Tell a hardworking person that you notice their effort TODAY!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 18 mins
DB Chest Press: 4x15
Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 4x15
Cable Fly: 4x15
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 3x15
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 3x15
Ab Side Flexion: 3x12 each side
Pull-up: 1
Push-up: 10
Chin-up: 1
Dip: 10
Dead Hang: 65 seconds
Cycle: Commute
Run: Sprints; 10x50 yds