There you are, fresh outta the gym having a post-workout shake, and reading the latest post from your favorite "Internet Fitness Influencer". That influencer has told you about the latest and greatest exercise, nutritional facts, or something to help you recover. Still, it sparked your interest because you would be the next Ed Coan or Ronnie Coleman.
It's cool because you don't mind doing a neat and new exercise or program to make those gains, yet you never added or took away the things that hold you back because you dislike the idea, or it bores you to tears, or that you plain old suck at it and it doesn't boost your ego.
I had a high-level hockey player in my gym today that was complaining about how much he sucked at a certain exercise and he didn't do them because of that suck. I told him, under no certain terms are we going to eliminate that particular exercise BECAUSE he sucks at them it's his weakness.
If we strengthen a weakness, we strengthen the "whole" athlete. We will do 5000 hours of the stuff he is good at, BUT, we're going to address the suck with 10,000 hours and THAT will be our strength program this summer.
He didn't give me all the warm fuzzies, but I don't care. I aim to prepare him for the upcoming Hockey season by strengthening his weakness! Simple!!! He doesn't have to like it, but he does have to do it and I guarantee he will be thankful for the efforts!
Today's Training:
Blast Strap Face Pull: 4x15
Banded Pullaparts: 4x25
4-way neck: 1x12
Dynamic Effort Bench: 10x3
4 board Bench: 3x3 Starting with the dynamic weight and then adding weight to each set.
Deep DB Chest Press: 3x10 The inside bell should be in the arm pit and a good stretch should be felt on the pecs. Ballistically move the DBs but not so fast that your back comes off the bench on full extension.
Low Cable Row: 3x10
Dips: 4x15
Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 3x12
Run: 10x50 yds