Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute (muggy day)
Concept II Row: 20 minutes; steady pace
The objective of today's weight work is to go through the four sets of 12 for all the chest movements and the 3 sets of 15 for the triceps, as quickly as possible. In other words, NO REST, no chatting between sets. Change the weight and GO!
The average time it took most of the participants today (including a couple of backups) was 18 minutes.
Get moving, Stay moving.
DB Chest Press: Start with a light DB and escalate the weight by five pounds every set
Hammer Strength Incline Press: Start with weight and increase the weight by 10 lbs on each side of each set.
Incline DB Fly: Start with weight and increase the weight by 5 lbs on each side of each set.
Cable Fly: Start with weight and increase the weight by 10 lbs on each side of each set.
DB Supine Tricep Extension: Start with weight and increase the weight by 5 lbs on each side of each set.
Cable Rope Push-down: Start with weight and increase the weight by 10 lbs on each side of each set.
Dead Hang: 60 seconds
Cycle: Commute (*Thunderstorm)