There comes a time in a person's life when they want to just give in. They want to give up...QUIT!
However, it is at this particular moment, when that person needs to determine what it is they are going to do that will define who they are.
I can safely say, I have NEVER quit at anything I started. I've run out of time, but quitting was never an option.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10-10-10
Pause Squat: 2 Rep Max; Set the spotting rails at a height that is an inch below parallel. Bring the SSB Yoke Bar down to the rails and pause there for a two-count before squatting the weight back up. Keep going up in weight until you can not complete the second rep.
GHR: 4x12
Hack Squat: 2 RM
Dead Hang: 60 seconds