I am not one to make a big deal over my own birthday. As a matter of fact when you reach 60 every year after that you go backwards. Next year at this time, we can celebrate my 59th.
I am overwhelmed with the "NICE" that has already taken place today, from April waking up and making my breakfast (At 0300) to all the cards and gifts at the gym from my participants, to all the well wishing and Happy Day on the Social Media and it's only 10:30 PST.
Needless to say I have a wonderful life.
Don't get this wrong. It hasn't been ALL rainbows and sea surf, but even when things looked their bleakest, I always found lessons to be learned and THAT made it bearable.
I've always implemented the "Attitude of Gratitude" and it has served me well. I don't expect anything and tell people that they didn't have to do...(whatever) BUT, I am certainly glad they did.
So IF you get this far on this "Coach's Log" please have an extra rep, a few more pounds on the bar, a big smile and know that I am happy that you have read this!
Thanks to all that have and will wish me another year!
Today's Training:
Cat/Camel: 20
Bird Dog: 20
Abduction Leg Swing: 20 ea. leg
Butt Kicks: 20 ea. leg
Frankenstein Walk: 10 ea. leg
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10
Landmines: 3x10 ea. side
Ab Wheel Roll Out: 3x10
Wrist Extension: 3x10
Wrist Curl: 3x10
Plate Flange Holds: 3x15 seconds
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes
Concept II Row: 20 minutes
Sprint I: 10x10 yards @50%
Sprint II: 10x60 (yea, ten more yards than normal because I AM 60) @90%