600 Pound PR!
I just spent more time than I wish to admit diving into the rabbit hole of #powerbuilding and #powerlifting.
Have you ever seen the claims, like, “This is the program that added 100 pounds to my squat, bench or deadlift?”
I get it and I’ll even buy into it, as those newbie gainz are real...but if you look closer, these BS Powerlifting coaches use the same lines with every new program they launch.
“Hey, ONLY 3 SPOTS left to jump on this amazing program that added 150 pounds to my bench”.
I dug deep and found a coach who used the 150 pounds on the deadlift with 3 or 4 different programs. I think one was the exact same promotion used 6 months later.
This is 600 pounds of deadlift gains in 2 years as a coach!
So did they start coaching with a 100 pound pull and now pull 700?
Did they start with a 200 pull and now pull 800?
OR - going from a max 300 pull to 900 in two years!
This stuff is easy to find. Just look at when they do a product launch or client call out. Note what’s said and go back to the launch before.
- Have they trained lifters in real life
- Ask for referrals then contact them
- Look to see if their clients hashtag them. Search the hashtag and DM past clients for referrals.
- If you have to send cash or use a bank service that won’t allow charge backs realize your odds of being ripped off are very high.
- Is this how they make a living or just an easy way to pay for their gear?
These are the EZ ones. To rank your coach...
- Read THIS
Ever notice these online gurus are always making gains while in the real world we all know it doesn’t work that way.
Another interesting thing I noticed. They all used to crack on all the “online trainers” way harder than I have. They do a few meets, meet someone who makes money doing it and all of a sudden POW