Over the past two weeks, I have heard or read some lifters were "feeling their age". They had complaints about aching joints, low energy, bad backs, awful knees, and overall depression, all of which caused a state of "I don't want to train."
I totally understand where they are coming from. It is hard to force yourself to do something when you already feel like "dogshit".
So what do we do? We go to the gym or lace up our running shoes and trudge through a routine any way we can because we "HAVE TO TRAIN!"
Ummm, NO! No, you don't have to train, but you GET TO TRAIN!
When those times hit me, I think back to the times I was injured or couldn't do anything for whatever reason and realize that I LOVED moving much more than I did NOT move at all.
Once healed or let loose and free to get after it, I was in a much better physical state AND a better state of mind. I GOT to train (again) like I normally would and THAT routine is far better than the one with the restrictions either physical or mental ones.
Hey, we are all getting older. There is no stopping that. When someone says "Age is only a number" those people haven't realized how old I am, or how old YOU are when they say that. But the truth is, perhaps are best lifts are behind us.
We are evolving!
Since we are evolving then it will be necessary for our training to evolve as well. Makes sense, yea?
There are countless articles right here on EliteFTS that address some of the things we can physically do to "evolve our training" but the first and foremost to me has been my willingness to accept the necessity for those changes and then go about CHANGING!
I don't HAVE to work out, but I GET to work out.
I make a few changes based on what I NEED and that keeps things fresh.
I don't HAVE to work out, but I GET to work out.
Some people my age CAN'T because they are injured or sick, or worse...dead!
I don't HAVE to work out, but I GET to work out.
Since my long term goal is Immortality (and I PR that goal daily) I GET to address the daily needs to see that one through.
I don't HAVE to work out, but I GET to work out.
So I Do!
Rule #67= No Complaining
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Dynamic Deadlift: 30x1. The key to this is the tempo by which you rest. There is none, but it's not one set of thirty. Using about half of your max, blast that weight off the floor. Return it to its starting position and allow a training partner to do the same. Go back and forth resting only the time it takes the other lifter to finish his DL. The entire 30 sets might take 5-7 minutes if you're doing it right. If you don't have a training partner, simply step over the bar after you put it down and set up on the opposite side and do it again.
Pull-Through: 4x12. The rest is as long as it takes to do a set
GHR: 4x12 Continue with the same rest lengths throughout the training session
Leg Curl: 4x12
45-degree back extension: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 4x12
Push-up: 15
Pull-up: 3
Dip: 15
Chin-up: 3
Dead Hang: 75 seconds
Cycle: Commute