We do the 1000 rep arm day on the first Friday of every month. So to accommodate my new format AND to progress those 1000 reps, I upped the ante to 1500 with the addition of five new exercises for this day.

Before we got started at 0420 this morning, I was immediately getting "feedback". Therefore, I wrote this at the top of the bar before getting started:

  1. This is a long workout. No idle chit-chat
  2. Rule 67 is in full effect
  3. Fuck your feelings if you are getting pummeled refer back to #2
  4. There is a 90-minute time-limit. If it takes you longer, you get throat punched on a Friday
  5. All else fails (and it better not) refer back to #2
  6. Go Get 'em, you magnificent bastards!!!

Today's Training:

100 reps in NO MORE than 5 sets of the following:

  1. Push-ups
  2. Blast Strap Row
  3. Dips
  4. DB Floor Press
  5. DB Lateral Raise
  6. Hammer Curl
  7. Cable Tricep Pushdown
  8. EZ Curl Bar Curls
  9. DB Supine Tricep Extension
  10. DB Curl to OHP
  11. BOSU Situps
  12. C/S Tricep Kickback
  13. Mini Band Tricep Extension
  14. Concentration Curl
  15. Lat Pulldown

That's 1500 reps