We do the 1000 rep arm day on the first Friday of every month. So to accommodate my new format AND to progress those 1000 reps, I upped the ante to 1500 with the addition of five new exercises for this day.
Before we got started at 0420 this morning, I was immediately getting "feedback". Therefore, I wrote this at the top of the bar before getting started:
- This is a long workout. No idle chit-chat
- Rule 67 is in full effect
- Fuck your feelings if you are getting pummeled refer back to #2
- There is a 90-minute time-limit. If it takes you longer, you get throat punched on a Friday
- All else fails (and it better not) refer back to #2
- Go Get 'em, you magnificent bastards!!!
Today's Training:
100 reps in NO MORE than 5 sets of the following:
- Push-ups
- Blast Strap Row
- Dips
- DB Floor Press
- DB Lateral Raise
- Hammer Curl
- Cable Tricep Pushdown
- EZ Curl Bar Curls
- DB Supine Tricep Extension
- DB Curl to OHP
- BOSU Situps
- C/S Tricep Kickback
- Mini Band Tricep Extension
- Concentration Curl
- Lat Pulldown
That's 1500 reps