Someone still laughs at the funny thing you might have said.
Someone still smiles at the compliment you gave them.
Someone quietly admires you and the way you get things done.
That bit of advice you gave someone, changed their life.
The support you offered made that person's day.
Your opinion has made others think twice.
You are significant and remembered.
Your very existence makes a positive influence whether YOU see it or not!
Stay hydrated and cool.
Today's Training:
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3x5
Shrug: 3x5
Reverse Grip BB Curl: 4x10
Cable Rope Pushdown: 4x15
BB Curl: 4x10
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x15
Cat/Camel: 10
Bird Dogs: 10
Superman: 10
Pull-up: 3
Push-up: 15
Chin-up: 3
Dips: 15