What a stupid question. YES, everyone wants to lose fat, so how do we do it without losing the muscle we put on while "bulking"?
I'm not going to go into all the detail but IF you want to lose fat that is stored in your body without losing the "gains", AND you don't have to kill yourself do this:
Every morning for 30-50 minutes complete a fasted AEROBIC exercise.
Note! I didn't say "conditioning", I said "Fasted (don't eat breakfast YET!) Aerobic (With oxygen and for an extended period of time) exercise as in WALKING quickly but NOT so hard that we tap into the glycogen storage.
That's it!
Then go have a pre-workout meal, go to the gym, and train with some weights. (Heavy for a few reps one time, and then lighter weight for many reps the next).
After the weights, Attack some high-intensity Conditioning, like the Prowler or Sprints of some sort that bolsters your VO2 number and all the healthy benefits that come with that.
But to lose FAT...
Do the Fasted Aerobic Exercise 5 times per week and watch what happens in a short couple of weeks.
Write me back and tell me of all our success you sexy bastards! (and biotches!)
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek; 3.1 miles
Cycle: Commute
Deadlift: 4 rep max
GHR: 4x10
Shrugs: 4x5
Suspended Straight Leg Raise: 3x6 Do these in the rack with a heavy band set so that when you raise your legs, your instep/ankle will contact the band almost immediately. Continue through the movement as if you were "Punting" on 4th down. Do these rapidly and powerfully.
Cycle: Commute