You've heard it, "If it's to be, it's up to me". Never has a statement been so true.
When things need to get done you can take the bull by the horns and direct it or you can wait for someone to take charge (and that could be a very long time).
I adopted a vow to become better today many years ago than I was the day before. Somehow, in some way, and in some form or another.
If an obstacle reared its ugly head, I challenged myself to find a way to overcome it.
If there is something that I've feared appears, I told myself to "face it, head on, and right now" to overcome it.
Hopefully, I can influence others (and I am hoping someone reading this understands that it is meant for THEM!) to do the same.
Because no matter what, there is always a way to reach the goals we set for ourselves and I know I will make it so.
Today's Training:
Run: Easy (and I mean real easy) 3.1 miles
Cycle: Commute
C/S Row: 4 rep max
Chin-ups: 3x AMPRAP
Barbell Curl: 4x5 Make it HEAVY and if you have to cheat to get it up, so be it!
Ab Side Flex over a 45-degree back extension: 3x5x a heavy dumbbell held in the hand closest to the floor.
Cycle: Commute