I was reading one of my favorite EliteFTS Coach's posts on the internet yesterday where he stated "The older I get the less I feel I know", and that triggered me into one of my unmedicated tirades.
There seems to be an abundance of super mega-minded Exercise Specialists that can detail the fuck out of a program, exercise, or injury rehab. But like the politicians making laws that have never worked for a living, these "gurus" whose only claim to fame is that they are "Internet Influencers" and have never put anyone into a big-time sports program, or trained a person to the Professional level or has personally made any improvements to their own health, strength or physique.
I'm not identifying every Ph.D. as a person with a stack of dimes for a neck or pipe cleaner arms, or whose squat is that of a paraplegic.
I'm talking about the Three hours and forty-five-minute "podcasters" who love to hear their own voice and confuse the HECK out everyone or make them feel inferior because they can drop a few anatomical terms.
I mentioned to my EliteFTS teammate that I don't think I could ever do a podcast because my attention span is that of a common housefly. What could I possibly ramble on about?
Hey, when I'm asked what I do for a living, I tell people, "I'm a gym teacher". Plain and simple! I have a gym and I teach. (also my undergraduate degree was exactly that...B.S. (not the bullshit kind) in Physical Education.
My programming is simple. (although to look at first glance you might think I'm either a genius or mentally challenged)
I know FIVE exercises and they are the basics
I am not going to pad a lot of nonsense into a workout, but we are going to work HARD.
I am not going to split hairs about nutrition, micros, macros, or any other kinds of crows.
I WILL talk to you on a level that you understand.
I WILL train you in the style that you adhere to best.
You will NEVER be made to feel less because you couldn't do more.
And no matter how good an exercise might be, I will never make you do anything that makes you look dumb!
The BASICS still work when you WORK the basics.
Keep the circus tricks out of the program.
Make them HEALTHY
Make them FIT
Make them STRONG
Make them ENDURING
Make them IMMORTAL!!!
Physically EDUCATE people.
Today's Training:
Run: Sprints: 10x50 yards after a good warm-up
Cycle: Commute (nice headwind the entire way)
DB Chest Press: 4x10
DB Incline Chest Press: 4x10
DB Incline Fly: 4x10
Barbell Supine Tricep Extension: AKA "Nosebreaker": 4x10
Cable/Bar Tricep Pushdown: 4x10
Front Plank: 3x30 seconds
Cycle: Commute