There is no time to dick around. The average time today was roughly 70 mins and that wasn't taking many breaks. ONE person finished in under an hour, but she's a metabolic inferno.

res firma mitescere nescit or...a firm resolve does not know how to weaken.

Rule #67 was and still is in full effect (No Complaining)

Today's Training:


Airdyne or Row: 10 mins

4-way neck: 1X15

Leg Swing: Fwd/Bckwd: 3x15

Leg Swing Abduction: 3x15

Ankle over knee seated Stretch: x5 each leg

Kettlebell Ladder: 1-20

DB Row: 4x10

Lat Pulldown: 4x10

DB Pullover: 4x10

Blast Strap Row: 4x25

DB Lateral Raise: 4x10

DB Front Raise 4x10

Mini Band Face Pull: 4x25

Mini Band Pull-a-part: 4x25

BOSU Situp: 125 CONTINUOUS reps

Ab Wheel: 4x12