Day 4 of my quest to not be a "Butterball Turkey" almost got thwarted by a lie in my head about needing sleep and rest from my previous consecutive days of five Ks. Then one of the hundreds of voices in my head said something I wrote weeks ago..."If you don't like doing something, do more of it!".
Seriously, How the heck am I going to stand before my participants, my team, my friends, YOU guys and tell you to stand up, zip 'em up from the front instead of the side, and stand when you pee, if I am not willing to do it myself?
Out the door, I went!
So at the moment, I am relentless when I hear a complaint. DO NOT BREECH RULE #67!!! Simple, get up, buckle up, put your mouthpiece in and shut the heck up and go do IT!
Today's Training:
Run: 5K (slow, around 45 minutes, but who cares? I am Disciplining myself to break old bad habits. "The race isn't always to the swift as it is to those who keep on running"
Cycle: Commute; 28 mins
Decline Sit-ups: 4x10
Lat Pulldown: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 4x10
DB Row: 4x12
DB Pullover: 4x10
Chin-ups: 50 reps
Dips: 100 reps
DB Preacher Curl: 4x12
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 4x15
Cycle: Commute: 27 mins