I haven't said anything to anyone, but two weeks ago I blew something up in my shoulder while dynamically bench-pressing with a bunch of young stud athletes.
I've always trained my ass off and taken it to the limit every time I do. I am guilty of a "do as I say, not as I do" mentality.
This has gotten me into quite the pickle once I hit my 50s, but hey...If it ain't broken, don't fix it.
So here I am designing a new and improved program for myself based on modifications to the Conjugate Program, The 5-3-1, and the Mountain Dog Training Programs.
I've even gone as far as to get input from some of the BEST Strength and Conditioning people at EliteFTS with my ideas.
Vinny Dizenzo, C.J. Murphy, and Ed Coan have given me some great advice that I will be incorporating into my training.
As it morphs even more, the collective intelligence of my community is PRICELESS.
I have experimented with the last two workouts in as many days and the FIRST thing that has become apparent is the total volume that I've been training has been a bit (dare I say?) excessive.
Limiting the day's progression to 4-6 total exercises has been quite the challenge because of the total amount of "weak points" at my age keeps increasing. (I jest, sort of..)
I need to see the results of what is happening before I make it public, however, I'm here to tell you that "Training is ever-evolving"
We'll see...
Today's Training:
GHR: 4x10
High Box Squat w/ SSB Yoke Bar: 3 RM 10% increases from your 1 rep predicted max. Beat last week's number
Good Mornings: 4x10
Leg Extension: 4x10
Ab Wheel: 4x10