Physical strength measures what you CAN do.
Mental strength measures whether you actually do it.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute: 27 minutes
Versa Climber: 10x50 sprint steps
Ab Wheel: 2x20
Kettlebell Side Flex Bends: 2x20x heavy
Flutter kicks: 4x25
OHP: 4x10
DB Lateral Raise: 4x10
Front Raise: 4x10
Cycle: Commute: 30 mins. I went the long route and stopped off for a dermatologist appointment that I'm supposed to have gone after lunch. The Doc and the gals dig me, so I got in early. I need to keep an eye on my skin for basal cell carcinomas. I'm always out in the sun and I have light eyes. BAD combo for the susceptibility.