The human organism is a goal-seeking machine. It will do whatever it needs to do in order to accomplish the objective.
If that objective is moving BIG weight, then the body will do whatever it takes to fill that need, even at the expense of compensating the mechanics or the technique of a lift.
However, when training Dynamically at sub-maximal weight we not only teach the importance of "bar speed" but we can also hammer home weak points of the lifter during the ten or so sets.
I do more "coaching" on dynamic days than I think I do on Max Effort. (Max Effort there is a LOT of spotting going on as well as boisterous encouragement)
Train fast!
Train hard
Keep your squat looking great in hopes of your coach not sucking!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Dynamic Squat: 10x2 but broken down like this:
2x2x50% of max
2x2x50% of max plus one chain per side
2x2x50% of max plus two chains per side
2x2x50% of max plus three chains per side
2x2x50% of max plus four chains per side
At no time should the speed feel any slower than the previous set.
Leg Press: 4x12
GHR: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 4x12