I love using the SSB Yoke bar. The design of it and where it sits on the shoulders makes for a bit more back extension and thus incorporates more muscle so when you go back to the straight bar you keep better technique by keeping the chest up, and the thoracic extended.
The issue with it becomes apparent when you are nearing your maximum effort. We all tend to "tighten" up even more and that's when we begin to pull the handles "IN".
Well let me tell YOU...you pull those handles into your chest to tighten up and it will flex your thoracic even MORE than it already does by sitting high on your shoulders to boot.
Here is where you actually need to drop your shoulder blades into your back pocket and LIFT the handles up all while keeping a nice shrug and depressed/retracted shoulders.
That "DRIVE" will lead the way with the chest up, the thoracic area extended, and your face beet red!
I say don't just get the SSB Yoke bar and use it...I say buy two and have another one on the ready.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute: 27 mins
Prowler: 5x160 yds
Squat: SSB Yoke bar; 4 RM
GHR: 4x10
Back Extension: 4x10
Lat Pulldown: 4x10
DB Row: 4x15
Band Pull-a-part: 4x50
Cycle: Commute: 27 mins