Ian Jackson wrote a book years ago entitled, "Upside Down Breath Play" or "Zooming" as the technique is affectionately called. Essentially, As Jackson used to explain, "Instead of just sucking air in and letting it out, try pushing the air out then let it back in."
Try this, take a big huge breath of air. I mean really fill your lungs. What is the only thing that you can do with it? Yep, blow it right back out.
Next, blow all the air out of your lungs. I mean ALL of it...what happens? Right, you HAVE to breathe IN, or take more oxygen in.
So the next time you are gasping for air, instead of sucking air in with your hands over your head as your Jr. High Gym Teacher taught you, blow it all out with your hands on your thighs leaning over.
You'll find that you recover much faster from the bouts of anaerobic exercise that you are performing.
Today's Training:
Run: Sprint; after warm-up 5x100 yds
Cycle: Commute
Dynamic OHP: 10x3
DB Lateral Raise: 4x15
DB Front Raise: 4x15
Shrugs: 4x12
Tricep Cable Pushdown: 4x15
Dips: 4x15
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x15
Reverse Grip Curl: 4x15
Barbell Curl: 4x15
Cable Curl: 4x15
Cycle: Commute