It’s the 4th of July night at Mount Rushmore and all four dead presidents are gathered around a campfire having a party. They’re drinking, eating, and generally having a grand ol’ time when President Washington puts President Lincoln on the spot.

W: “Hey, heyyyy, Lincoln, do that thing you do!
L: “What now? What thing?”

W: “Lincoln, do the thing! The speech! You know, the thing!!!!”

L: “Ohhh, yeah, the speech. Yeah, that thing. Nah, I can’t. Can’t remember the words.”

W: “Whaddya mean you can’t remember the words??? It’s the speech; you’ve said it a million times!!! You’ve got that like burned in your brain, right?!!”

L: “Well, yeah, normally, sure, I’ve got it memorized, but that was four s’mores and seven beers ago!!!”

It’s Known as the Mount Rushmore Monumental Disaster

Happy 4th of July!

Today's Training:


4-Way Neck: 1x12

"Lara" Abs: 3x12

DB Row: 4x10

Lat Pulldown: 4x10

Blast Strap Row: 8x20

Mini Band Pull apart: 8x25

3-Way Shoulder: 3x20

  1. Front Raise
  2. Lateral Raise
  3. Rear Raise

Shrug: 4x10

Hi-Lo Woodchop: 3x12
