I was coaching a fellow today who happens to be a Strength Coach at one of the private high schools in my area and we were on the subject of what it takes to teach someone a skill and how to go about doing it.
I was telling him that first of all, you need to determine what type of learner the athlete is. Is he a verbal learner, a visual learner, or a tactile one? Perhaps a combination of two or possibly all three?
Then it requires 300 repetitions to acquire a proper movement pattern, and you want to nail that right of way because it takes 5000 to correct a faulty one.
And maybe most importantly when I discussed this same subject with the GREAT Buddy Morris, the Arizona Cardinals Strength and Conditioning Coach, he told me that if you teach ONE thing the athlete has an 87% chance of remembering it. Teach that athlete TWO things, and the number drops to a 33% adherence rate. Teach the athlete THREE things. Well, Good Luck with that.
When I brained stormed further with this guy, I started to apply exactly what I just spoke to him about, and VOILA' He got it!
Remember...Teach one thing per session, teach it properly in a manner that is understood, and create MONSTERS for your team next season.
Make sure you laugh at least twelve times per day!~
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 16 mins upper body only
DB Floor Press: 4 rep max
JM Press: 4x10
Banded Single Arm Pushdown: 100 consecutive reps
Cable Fly: 100 consecutive reps
Pull-ups: 2
Push-up: 12
Chin-up: 2
Dips: 12
Ab Crunch: 100
Cycle: Commute