Yes, it means "Keep It Simple Stupid" and we have all heard it time and time again and yet I see trainer after trainer, or dare they call themself "Coach" after "Coach" looking to make their nitch in the Strength and Conditioning field make up some bullshit combo exercise and put it on Social Media and/or YouTube and tell the neophytes that if they don't do this, then they are missing the point "Big Time".
I've been around some of the biggest and strongest athletes in the world most of my life. I have seen what has been successful and what is a waste of time during my time.
It all comes back to the "BASICS".
- Resistant exercise with large compound movements THEN you can isolate for effect.
- Squat, Lunge, Push, Pull, and Twist. That's it!
- Increase in weight, reps, or tempo.
- Condition...YES...it's called "Strength AND Conditioning" for a reason
- Long Slow distance as a recovery/High-Intensity Interval Training to Pop the heart, increase VO2
- Proper Nutrition. "You can't out-train a sucky diet"
Doing all the other so-called "sexy" exercises won't produce a better athlete. They waste time!
Today's Training:
Cycle: 27 mins
Concept II Row: 10 mins
As a GIANT set in continuous motion...
- Pull-ups: 10x5
- Push-ups: 10x10
- Chin-ups: 10x5
- Dips: 10x10
DB Pullover: 3x18
BB Curl: 2x40
Cable Tricep Push-down: 2x40
DB Curl: 2x40
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 2x40
Cycle: 28 mins