There are days when I feel as if I can tear the ass end off a charging rhino. Those days I feel as if I am immortal and can go on forever.
But, as I always say, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plan".
Well, there I was banging the reps out on the bench today and slaying the session when out of nowhere on the 1 rep at 80% a burning sensation tears through my shoulder. I finished the rep, racked the weight, and realized "Rut-roh...that ain't right".
To ensure I was damaged goods, I started the pin press at that same 80%. Lo and behold, just raising my hands to the bar from the supine position was a chore all on its own.
My training session changed immediately.
I started rehab right away doing exercises in any range of motion that didn't irritate it.
It's true...getting older sucks. Glad I don't know I am!
Lesson learned? Need more warm-up. hahahaha
Today's Training:
Dynamic Bench: 6x3@50%, 1x 60%, 1x1x70%, 1x1x80%
Pin Press: 3x3
DB Floor Press: 5x10
Cable Fly: 5x10
Tricep Cable Pushdown: 4x12
Bicep Curl of your choice: 4x10