Had a weird start to today. My family is visiting the in-laws in Michigan for the past 4 days, leaving me to fend for myself and maintain a normal gym schedule.
I didn't do any domestic stuff this past weekend, including the weekly shopping, so there was nothing to eat for breakfast today. It's my own fault so I'm not upset at all. Besides, stale dinner rolls and five day old spags and balls is not that bad considering what I use to eat as a bachelor.
I digress, so...I know I need to get groceries for at least tomorrow and CostCo is my choice. Quantity and quality are of major importance and I figured I could beat the holiday rush if I get there when it opens at 9:00.
So far so good, the gym had three of my normal crew training so I figure, "Light Day"! After all it's the Eve of Christmas eve.
The training complete, the gym empty except for my right hand dude, Al, I say..."If no one is here, does the training occur?" He tells me that I probably won't see anyone and to vaminos.
I look at the clock and can not justify leaving at 7:00 AM. Really! How can I get pissed at anyone? They're on holiday and want to sleep a bit longer, there is not a prayer of pissedoffness. I figure, OK..cool, I'll wait until 7:05 (Im so damn considerate) .
Al thinks it's too long and shoves off.
7:03 Boom! Chris comes in and now I have to stay. "Never leave a swim mate"
7:10 second and third guys come in
7:17 three more
8:00 four more
Costco is 6 miles, I can do this
8:45 explain to the last person what they need to do to finish and I am beating feet for the Warehouse.
I am in traffic...FUUUUUUUUCK!!!
The parking lot is FULL at 9:10
The line is moving and I am ankle bashing
The dog is at home and I know is wreaking havoc on the house
Out the Costco door in 36 minutes after chucking elbows and lowering shoulders.
HOME at 9:58
House is spotless
Dog is laying on the floor
Groceries are put away, laundry folded and only need to vacuum the house before the family gets back!
Today's Training:
Back Extension
I am serious when I tell you...this is a major milepost for me. I rarely have any patience for tomfoolery in society. I normally have my "Kill Sensor" on. Heck, I even smiled at a few people that were in a pickle because of their own dumb choices.