Training has been coming around slowly and my body is accustoming to increased neural stress and fatigue. Cant say my joints are loving it but I am keeping inflammation under control as much as possible.
I have had to take a turn in my training. I was using a hybrid 5/3/1 bodybuilding program that I put together myself. The problem with that is, and I find this happens often, is if you design yourself its easier to manipulate when you don't feel like doing something, or you end up changing something each workout and now it's no longer the program you put together and its original purpose has been lost.
I got to speak with Swede at our last UGSS and his understanding of systems, training, programming was refreshing to see. I need something simple and concise and that will keep me from wandering off. After reading the 5th set program in its entirety I am confident it will do just that.
So last week I played around with some DL numbers to see how it would feel knowing I was moving in that general direction. I ended up hitting 4 sets of 2 at 525. They all felt snappy and strong. Here's the video.
So after creating my custom 5th set program, bench was first this Monday. Worked up at 80% for 4 sets of doubles and a 5th set of 315 x 6. The weight didn't feel heavy but the stability is still not 100% yet. Here is the video. You'll notice as I fatigue the elbows start to flare. This will be worked on with my MSM (mechanically similar movement) lift utilizing a spoto press or simply a paused press 1-2 inches off my chest.
I followed bench up with the hypertrophy protocol. High incline db press. I worked up in set of 10-15 until I couldn't get at least 10. I ended at 105's for 12 and cut it there.
Next was mag grip lat pull downs 4 sets of 12-15. I used this mag grip here. I paired this with high rep rear delt pull a-parts for sets of 20-25.
Finished everything up with fat bar JM presses working sets of 8-10.
Then it was back to the soft tissue therapy life. If you have any questions in regards to who I'm approaching my training with the 5th set program feel free to ask away. Thanks for reading.