I totally dig it when some new guy comes along shouting from the rooftops the virtues of going "Barefoot".
Quite frankly, I've been doing it for years as most of my peers can attest, and why? No not because it:
- Lowers inflammation
- Improves sleep
- Improves blood pressure
- Reduces anxiety
- Alleviates fatigue
- Improves your mood
- Reduces the viscosity of the blood
- Reduces oxidative stress
I went barefoot because I was so broke at one point in my life I couldn't pay attention, nonetheless...SHOES!
Take your damn shoes off and let them DAWGS breathe!!!
Today's Training:
Concept II Row: 15 mins
4-way neck: 1x12
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 36-28-18
DB Lateral Raise: 4x15
DB Front Raise: 4x15
Shrugs: 4x15
Run: Sprints: 10x50 yds