Weight Training for the most part is about "Time under Tension". Most of the time we think about the tension part, which means we must lift MORE weight to improve.
We can also at more time to that tension and we do so by adding either reps or sets.
However, there is a THIRD option that I like to throw into the mix which brings about a better MIND/BODY connection which is to SLOW the MOVEMENT down.
Most muscles can only withstand a high-intensity stimulus for roughly 60-70 seconds. If done correctly the muscle will fibrillate and then reach a point of tetani or the inability to contract.
If your head is not into it, it will humble you very quickly. I could turn off the music in the gym if I want and no one would complain that there was none. Folks are so dialed into each rep of each set that the gym sounds like a library rather than a training center. Not much chatter, not much cajoling.
INTENSITY for the EMENSITY. Attitudes are dialed in and focus is lazer-like.
We (or should I say "I") enjoyed it!
The coaching is done with a similar attitude. INTENSITY for the EMENSITY!!!
Today's Training:
*Run: 5K
*Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 10 mins arms only
SST= Super Slow Training: All movements both concentric and eccentric are to be moved at the slowest possible rate without the move jerking along the path. In other words, if you go TOO slow it will be an interrupted movement. This is something we DON'T want to have happen.
We want to work 6-8 reps for three sets. If you don't get six reps, go down in weight. If you get more than 8 reps, go UP in weight.
Kettlebell Kneeling Press: Holding the "ball" in one hand, put the knee on the same side down on the ground as if in a Split Squat. Press the KB without any sideways movement in the frontal plane. It would be best if you kept the abs tight to alleviate this.
You can hold a lunge in the static down position for more of a challenge.
DB Lateral Raise
DB Front Raise
Blast Strap Curls
BB Curls
"Skull Crushers"
DB Preacher Curl
Cable Push Down
*Cycle: Commute