We all have exercises we like and will do them without question. However, they are the ones we tend to be really good at and probably don't need.
Then there are those exercises that we loathe, No HATE! If we are going to "cherry pick" training sessions, it is without a doubt the sessions that contain our most DREADED of exercises and normally that's because we suck at them.
Now let's take a look at the ones you NEED rather than the ones you WANT to do...
Do you know those workouts that you sucked? Yup! All of those exercises
I keep things fairly simple in my program. There are not a lot of exercises, however, the ones I've picked out for my teams are NOT easy by any means. Why You may ask. Because they are the ones I know that collectively my folks need the most.
- Prowler
- Squats that are two inches below parallel
- "Pop Your Heart" Wed. or most Conditioning Days
- Deficit Deadlifts
Are among the most despised in my gym, but necessarily limited to...
Here's what I say..."Too Bad!" I give my folks what they NEED. Some days it's heavy dang weight, some days it's flat out Elenore Roosevelt sexy SPEED. Some days we need to work in mobility work because really, did you ever go to a sporting event to see the mediocre and injured?
Internet gurus will tell you that the next best thing that you aren't doing is what they are pedaling.
I'm here to tell you, "NO!"
You need to Push/Pull/Lunge/Squat/ and twist for your resistance exercises.
You need to Run/Ride/Row/Walk/Climb or Swim for your conditioning exercises.
You need to do full range and partial range of motions exercises depending on the day and the objective of that session.
You need to increase by a small bit in as many areas as you can in any training session. By increase, it could be reps, weight, sets, or speed of motion.
To put it into an easy way...Do the things that are going to make you more "Deadly".
You may not like to do it, but you NEED to, in order to stay "Battle Ready"
Today's Training:
*Run: 5K: 28 ish minutes
*Cycle: Commute: 27 mins
Prowler: 10X 80 yards
Ab Wheel: 4x10
Crunch: 100 Reps
GHR: 4x10
Dynamic Deadlift: 15x1
Box Squat: 5x10; Two inches BELOW parallel
*Cycle: Commute: 27 mins.