I don't care what anyone says, I don't motivate you. Music doesn't motivate you. PMA books and audio does NOT motivate you. It may and often does EXCITE you, but motivation comes from either moving towards something, like a goal, dream, a WANT or Away from something like being a fat bastard, heart issues, health issues, or sick and tired of being sick and tired or just done being WEAK.
Since you will never be ALWAYS motivated, then you better gosh darn be aware that you will ALWAYS need to be disciplined.
Discipline has always trumped being motivated for me.
My eyes pop open at 2:59 AM EVERY DAY!!! Why? Not because I'm motivated at that time. Hell, I sure would love to sleep in until say, 4:00. But NO! I get up because I'm DISCIPLINED and want to get my run and bike ride into the gym done, so I can greet my "early" people AWAKE and ready to GO!
I'm disciplined because my day is NOT complete unless I meet my objectives, and those objectives are at times NOT motivating. But I do them BECAUSE I HAVE TO!
A "No Excuse LIFESTYLE" should be adopted by anyone that wants any kind of success in their life!
Today's Training:
*Prowler: 1x80 yds; 1x160 yds; 1x240 yds;2x80 yds
D.E. Squat: 10x2
D.E. Deadlift: 10x1
GHR: 40 reps
Suspended Knees to Elbows: 40 reps
Cycle: Commute; 27 mins