I read a lot. No! I mean A LOT!!!
I read many of the articles here at EliteFTS to have a conversation with anyone on the team even if by chance.
I read many articles on "other" sites so that I can compare and YES, judge.
I read books repeatedly to bring back "ah-ha" moments and keep myself on track as a coach.
I even read the interwebs. and this is where I shake my head at times and wonder why the author even bothered to write at all.
Besides the plagiarizing, the sheer volume of complete bull$hit is mind-boggling.
Renaming programs doesn't mean the author is entitled to be compensated. As a matter of fact, the author should be paying royalties to the original Coach who actually came up with it.
Coaching requires basic knowledge that can be explained in simple terms or the most advanced, depending on the audience.
Coaching requires you to KNOW your athletes/participants/or clients (whichever you want to call them)
Coaching requires intuition. Not EVERYONE is on the same playing field EVERY Day.
Coaching requires adaptability. Sometimes something isn't right and the coach must "adjust, adapt, and overcome" to meet the day's objectives
Coaching requires EXPERIENCE. The poly parrot method of coaching is seen through right of way.
For instance, I agree wholeheartedly with many of Dave Tate's, Jim Wendler's, Ed Coan's, Buddy Morris and others' teachings, that I blend a lot of what they preach into my own programming and lessons, BUT...I give credit by referencing them (even if the person I am coaching has no idea who these fellas are) and I teach it in my own personality and with my own flair.
So when I read about a program or a technique that comes from a youngsters' word processor they should know that a few of us old war-horses have been doing their "new" whatever for longer periods of time than those folks have been on the planet.
Today's Training:
*Run: 5K; 26 ish minutes
*Cycle: Commute: 28 mins
1000 Reps
5x20 of the following:
- BB Curl
- Cable Push-downs
- Reverse Grip BB Curl
- DB Supine Tricep Extension
- DB Hammer Curl
- C/S Tricep "Kick Back"
- Seated BB Curl
- Close Grip Push-ups
- Concentration Curl
- Dips
*Pull-ups: 30 reps
*Push-ups:60 reps
*Chin-ups: 30 reps
*Dips: 60 reps
- indicates what I did personally extra and in as few sets as possible
Cycle: Commute; 27 minutes