Everyone talks about how intense they train. I've yet to come across any man that says, "nope, not today. I got up to be a pussy and not hurt" and still when it comes time to "man the fuck up" and really grind, I see a lot of people simply give up because it hurts.
I'll smile at them. I'll pat them on the back and tell them "alright, you are finished" and all I can think about are the days gone by when I was doing the actual "Ironman" and the World Championship of Triathlon in Nice France and remember that fucking monkey that would perch upon my shoulder and whisper, "Quit. What the heck are you doing this for? You can stop and no one will think the less of you."
BULL FUCKING SHIT! I think less of me!!!
So I'd beat that monkey off the shoulder and put it back where it belongs. In someone else's file box telling them to quit.
Easily said though, right?
But did you know you can train your brain to actually knock that simian off every time it shows up?
I'm not talking about electro therapy or even walking on hot rocks in a Tibetian compound, but I am saying you can start toughening up your capacity by doing small things right now.
For instance, many of my peers are into hot baths or saunas for an extended period of time only to jump into an ice bath for the same amount.
First, the physical benefits have been documented and written about, but what that does to the MIND is immeasurable.
I'm not so lucky to be of the expendable wealth to purchase such a setup, but I did install an outdoor shower that only has cold water.
I usually finish my morning run around 3:30 and it's not too bad now at that time temperature-wise. Usually, our summertime range is 55 to 60 degrees. But I'll jump right into that icy cold shower and soap up, rinse, and then do it again keeping me under the ice cold water for two to three minutes. Not that this will make me Jason Bourne, but it does add to the clarity of my purposes.
When you are grinding at a weight or struggling to get a couple more reps for the set, that monkey surely shows up. You wanted to get that 405 for five, but somewhere around the third rep, something doesn't feel "comfortable" so you pitch out on that rep instead of mentally going after the fourth and fifth one.
At this point, I will reflect on my technique and tightness and say, "fuck it" and CRAM those last two reps. If I get them, GREAT. If I miss...well, I missed and didn't quit.
Each time THAT happens, you get a little more mentally tough as well.
Getting COMFORTABLE with the UNcomfortable is the only way to increase the mental capacity of a hard-driving machine.
Don't Quit on even the smallest of tasks. Once you do it, it gets easier and easier to quit AND justify it.
You won't die! Go for it!
Today's Training:
*Cycle: Commute; 27 mins
*Prowler: 1x320 yards; 1x240 yards; 1x160 yds; 1x80 yds. Minimal Rest. As soon as your respiration rate slows to almost normal...It's time to go AGAIN.
Concept II Row: 5 mins steady; 10x15/45
Decline Sit-ups: 4x8
AirDyne: 10x15/45
Ab Wheel: 50 reps in as few sets as possible
DB Lateral Raise: 4x12
DB Front Raise: 4x12
Pull-a-parts: 125 reps
Shrugs: 4x10
Cycle: Commute; 29 mins