- Up the Ante make sure that you persist until you succeed.
- Bounce Back Quickly From the Unexpected almost 100% of the time, things won’t go as planned
- Train For Mental Toughness by Visualizing Whatever goal you’re trying to achieve, visualize yourself persevering, getting over obstacles, shutting out your inner critic, and ignoring naysayers.
- Recite a Mantra When someone tries to get you to quit, or the voice in your head turns negative, recite your mantra. Trick your brain into thinking that the only option is to keep going by reciting your mental toughness mantra, over and over again. Mine is, “Not dead, can’t quit.”
- Focus On What’s Right In Front of You Trick your mind into staying mentally tough by breaking your big goals into tiny tasks, and then focusing on the task that’s right in front of you. After all, it’s hard to get your mind to accept that it has to stay mentally tough for a year, but you can trick it into thinking that it only has to stay mentally tough for the next hour.
Today's Training:
*Run: Sprints; 7x100 yds after a complete warm-up
*Cycle: Commute; 27 mins
Prowler: 10x80 yds
GHR: 50 reps in as few sets as possible
Good Mornings: 5 RM; From the bottom up.
Banded Abduction Walk: Get into an almost "Speed Skater" stance leading with the "outside edge" (Hockey guys will know what I'm talking about. All others lead with the knee and outside of the foot)
Calf Raise: 200 reps. Don't fall on the floor tomorrow.
*Cycle: Commute; 24 mins. Yep, I was racing a road bike guy who was completely dressed in his "aero" suit. He beat me, but I looked cooler in my flip-flops and untucked shirt blowing in the wind. hahaha