I knew last December when I planned out the final week in August that this particular day would bring quite a few breeches of Rule #67. It did not disappoint.
I could only imagine the amount of CHEESE that would go well with the amount of whining I heard. And to think...it IS "Throat Punch Thursday" so you KNOW it had to be bad.
What on Earth could make me think this? Well, bad enough anyone had to go through my "Super Legs" routine, but TWO TIMES in the same week?
Yup! This was the culprit. My goodness! But hey, at least I played "Clutch Radio" on our Spotify station and it was all in all a decent playlist to keep most engaged.
So, for the second time this week...
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
GHR: 5x10
4 sets of 25 reps of the following:
- Squat
- Split Squat
- Squat (again)
- Rear Stepping Lunge
- Squat to Plantar Flex calf raise
- Side Lunge
- Jump Squat (Rut-Roh) Only about an inch off the ground
- Jump Lunge (FAK) Get into a split squat stance, flex/extend hard enough to jump off the floor and switch foot positions
- Supine Hip Extension
Cycle: Commute