I was talking this morning to a husband/wife team after they finished about a relative of mine who is going through a "dark" time in their life.

I explained, quite neutral, that while they are commiserating about their particular misfortune I choose NOT to participate in the family's "Pity Party".

I saw the concern on their faces about my callous approach and then explained how the person brings everyone around him "down", making it more difficult to try to be positive (when that's what the person needs most).

How can you motivate a person that just sucked the life out of YOU?

My position has always been and will continue to be, "If you are experiencing (what ever), Do It ANYWAY!"

If you're sick...do it sick

If you're tired...do it tired

If you're injured...do it while injured

If you're depressed...do it depressed

Do it regardless of any excuse you can come up with and by the time you finish doing the objective...well, you might not be in the same condition you were in had you not done it.

Stop your whining (Rule #67) and get to the objective!

Do it any way.

Today's Training:

Shoulder Reliever


AirDyne: 10 mins legs only; 10 mins arms and legs; 10 mins arms only

DB Chest Press: 4x8

DB Incline Chest Press: 4x8

DB Fly: 4x8

"Skull Crushers" (supine barbell tricep extension): 4x8

Straight bar Tricep Cable Push-down: 4x8

Ab Wheel: 4x10
