There were no extras today. I had to "hard stop" the training because my Vanborgini needed some repair. The dashboard lit up like downtown during the Christmas season and I have to take care of her because she was worth it. Going on 200,000 miles and just a little younger than my son who is turning 16 in a few days, the old gal has been good to me and needs TLC whenever I can give it to her. (I don't drive it much anymore, rather ride my bicycle).
Anyway, I take it to the "Maintenance King" which is a single proprietorship and Ray is the only mechanic too, and he puts his diagnostic measuring device on the car. He is notified of its issues in a heartbeat. He jumps from the driver's seat, goes back to the gas cap, and takes it off. Checks the "O" ring, puts it back on, and clears the codes. DONE!
I ask Ray what I own him, and he uses my line when people come into my gym as a "drop in", I tell them, "you owe me nothing just speak well of me."
I knew right away that this guy is not only a fair guy, but he doesn't bullshit you trying to sell you things that your car doesn't need.
He's not too long on words. He gets right to the point. Smiles aren't his attribute, but he knows how to treat people fairly, and he gets the car fixed!
Today's Training:
Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2
Dynamic Deadlift: 10x1
GHR: 4x10
Back Extensions: 4x10
Calf Raise: 2x100