15 min stepmill
Up to 212 after some heavy eating. Decided in order to make the climb back to 230lb a more muscular gain I am implementing some no carb days along with a couple medium days and the rest high carb. Gonna try it out an see. If I fatten up too quick over the new week, I will go with low carb and a couple cheat meals here and there. Balloning up is a understatement for me. I think it is coded deep in my genes to fattymorph pretty much instantaneously. That could be my super hero name-fattymorph.
Lower this morning
Belt squat close stance to bottom for 5 reps with super wide for 3 reps per set for 6sets. Then dropped to 2 plates and a short strong band for 3x20 close stance.
KB double swing for 5 reps, then double snatches for 5 reps followed by some overhead squats with a stick to work on opening things up. 5 rounds.
Leg extensions about 15 setsx10reps with 10second breaks between sets. Trying to get some muscle back on so the volume is higher right now.
That is about it for the day....Oh, the PET Scan and followup you say. Monday, I had the Pet Scan to see where I stood on the cancer in my neck. I did not expect to get any news till Wednesday morning but as we were leaving, my cowboy radiologist sees me and asks if I had done the Pet Scan yet. This is pure chance him being there at this time but , there he is. I tell him we just finished and he says give me three minutes and I will tell you the results. I did not think this was possible but again there it is. Remember he is the one who wanted a CT scan way before the Oncologist visit was set. Doc Rads is the one who told me it was mostly gone and the rest looked dead six weeks ago. My kind of get it done it guy. We sit down and the nervousness comes on but also the same ole..is this really happening or am I in a parallel universe.
After about 10 minutes, Doc Rads , pops around the corner and yells that nothing popped hot. Obviously, needing absolute verification, you mean gone? He says yes and the scan shows negative for cancer. THe wife and I scream YESSSSSS! Doc Rads is a Cowboy for sure but in this moment he hugs me and then the wife! Akward but totally okay right now.They are a great bunch of people there and always positive in the midst of the everyday downers of cancer. But as the wife says, they probablly don't see a ton of these moments so enjoying them they do.
I call Doc Rads the unofficial verdict only meaning I wasn't suppose to get this information on Monday and this Pet Scan was total body and we did not ask him about the rest of the scan so Wednesday is the official verdict in my brain even though it is still a joyous moment.
Well Wednesday is here and we start the day with blood draw. This is pretty routine and done once a week during treatment and everytime I go back I assume. That is fine, I got good veins that seemingly make all the nurses and techs drool. There is some old crazy white dude talking shit to all the techs and nurses. A couple nurses play but with him but shortly it gets dirty and they ignore him. I guess you really don't care when you get old and horny.
Once done, blood pressure and temp time. The wife makes friends everywhere and they all love her bright neon hair. The nurse must have had a conversation about her gold lipstick with the wife because as soon as she sees the wife she shows her the brand of lipstick. Again, just to show how positive the people who work here are
Doc Slim and Pale time. He walks in and .....drum roll. Good news, the cancer shows negative and gone. THere is still a piece attached to the lymph nodes but both of the Docs think it is scar tissue. I ask if they will cut it out and he says they would have to cut out all the lymph nodes there so nawsky to that man. He is smiling for I believe is the first time. Pale rider does not come this time if you have seen this old Clint Eastwood movie. We ask several questions about my voice and taste buds which he says both can take months to get all the way back. Other then that great news I most gladly accept!!
I will have to get Pet Scans a few times a year for awhile and see the ENT regularly(although the wife asked for another referral since the current one we used is not on her fav list after our dismal diagnosis with her-the pack your shit and have a good last time diagnosis) but that is a small price to pay. I am by no means out of the woods and I understand that. This is a lifelong checkup for me in other words. But today is a small victory to enjoy the success of the treatments.
I don't know if any of this will sink in the way you would think it would as I have said before, it is still totally surreal that it has happened and I have gone through it and I am okay. It is almost like watching a movie. I hope this is the only one-no sequels i pray.
I know it will always be sitting there to remind me that anything can happen at any time whether you care or not. I find myself thinking about it when I catch myself playing my same ole life records I played before the cancer diagnosis and I have to say, "That really does not matter." "Don't be mad at stupid shit". " Pull it back, man" I usually relax a bit and let shit slide that normally would make me insanely mad and venomous. As long as I can catch myself I got a good shot at less jackassness.-jerk free? I will need a 12 step on that. I do plan on changing a few things in this ole life as I don't know how it is going to play out. Nothing is set as you think it is, nor should it be. It will be funner. to say the least,I promise.
Thanks to everyone for the awesome support during this time.
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