I give everyone the benefit of the doubt about "things" in general. If a person does something wrong and they have no idea about it because they were never taught, then that person is IGNORANT.
Not a problem. You don't know what you don't know.
However, if you continue to do it incorrectly after being taught properly, well...that's a simple matter of you being STUPID.
I take a lot of time to instruct the people in my gym on proper technique when it comes to exercise and the main lifts. I also put a lot of effort into teaching proper gym protocol and etiquette.
I also have a lot of equipment to use and there should rarely be a backup or a scramble to get on a piece of equipment while training.
Yesterday, I taught a person how to "work in" on a piece of equipment that was being used. Here is the proper dialog to use during a busy gym time:
Me: Hey! Do you have many sets left?
Person: Yes, yes I do.
Me: Cool. would it be alright if I work in with you while you rest between sets?
Person: *if they agree...Sure, ok
Me: Great! I appreciate that.
(Note: if the person says "No, it's not alright" then they are either preparing for something big and should be left alone, or they are just a dick and you don't want to train near them anyway)
Bottom line, ASK!
Then the very next day, (today) this person was going about the 1000 rep arm day. Remember, I have more than enough stuff where there should be no back-ups whatsoever anywhere in the weight room and just ASSUMED the spot of another person who was trying to hustle through the workout because it's:
- A very long duration session, and
- Had to get to work
When I saw the frustration of the person, I did what I am notorious for doing, (and that's telling like it is without padding it because I think I'm going to hurt someone's feelings. ) I announced the difference between "Ignorance and Stupidity" then went over the rules of engagement AGAIN, and finished with, "if you continue to be stupid, I will ask you to leave".
The room stayed quiet for another minute or so and then the banter and the grunts of effort resumed.
Remember kids,
- Ask nicely
- Be patient with the answer regardless of what it is
- Don't be a dick
Today's Training:
1000 rep Arm Routine: 5x20 of the following:
- Rope Pushdown
- BB Curl
- DB Supine Tricep Extension
- DB Hammer Curl
- Dips
- Reverse Grip Curl
- C/S Tricep Kickback
- Cable Curl
- Single Arm X Body DB Tricep Ext
- Concentration Curl
Run: 5x100 yds