I give everyone the benefit of the doubt about "things" in general. If a person does something wrong and they have no idea about it because they were never taught, then that person is IGNORANT.

Not a problem. You don't know what you don't know.

However, if you continue to do it incorrectly after being taught properly, well...that's a simple matter of you being STUPID.

I take a lot of time to instruct the people in my gym on proper technique when it comes to exercise and the main lifts. I also put a lot of effort into teaching proper gym protocol and etiquette.

I also have a lot of equipment to use and there should rarely be a backup or a scramble to get on a piece of equipment while training.

Yesterday, I taught a person how to "work in" on a piece of equipment that was being used. Here is the proper dialog to use during a busy gym time:

Me: Hey! Do you have many sets left?

Person: Yes, yes I do.

Me: Cool. would it be alright if I work in with you while you rest between sets?

Person: *if they agree...Sure, ok

Me: Great! I appreciate that.

(Note: if the person says "No, it's not alright" then they are either preparing for something big and should be left alone, or they are just a dick and you don't want to train near them anyway)

Bottom line, ASK!

Then the very next day, (today) this person was going about the 1000 rep arm day. Remember, I have more than enough stuff where there should be no back-ups whatsoever anywhere in the weight room and just ASSUMED the spot of another person who was trying to hustle through the workout because it's:

  1. A very long duration session, and
  2. Had to get to work

When I saw the frustration of the person, I did what I am notorious for doing, (and that's telling like it is without padding it because I think I'm going to hurt someone's feelings. ) I announced the difference between "Ignorance and Stupidity" then went over the rules of engagement AGAIN, and finished with, "if you continue to be stupid, I will ask you to leave".

The room stayed quiet for another minute or so and then the banter and the grunts of effort resumed.

Remember kids,

  1. Ask nicely
  2. Be patient with the answer regardless of what it is
  3. Don't be a dick

Today's Training:


1000 rep Arm Routine: 5x20 of the following:

  1. Rope Pushdown
  2. BB Curl
  3. DB Supine Tricep Extension
  4. DB Hammer Curl
  5. Dips
  6. Reverse Grip Curl
  7. C/S Tricep Kickback
  8. Cable Curl
  9. Single Arm X Body DB Tricep Ext
  10. Concentration Curl


Run: 5x100 yds