Anyone that knows me, knows that I've been barefoot for the past 20-some-odd years. Originally it wasn't because I was a "naturalist" or a minimalist, I was flat-out BROKE and couldn't afford to keep changing expensive athletic shoes. So, I opted out of wearing any and it became a "thing" with me.
I was barefoot so much that if I had to put a pair of "kicks" on, I would become claustrophobic and freak out a little. I got used to the feel and my feet became super tough (and they look it). I can walk on most surfaces regardless of temperature and litter.
It has gotten to the point that when suggesting what people should wear on their feet for squats and deadlifts, I would say..."Take your shoes off and go for it that way".
Since that skeeved so many people I would refer them back to the Chuck Taylors or Addidas Sambas or Vans. Something flat and close to the ground.
There are so many benefits to being barefoot that I don't want to go into all the details here and now. Simply know this...God doesn't make mistakes! When he made the foot/ankle complex, he made the PERFECT shock absorber and force production stabilizer. We put a barrier between the environment and our feet and caused many of the orthopedic issues we face today. (Especially us out to pasture Triathletes)
I digress
Although I am Squatting, Benching, and Deadlifting as the main staples in my strength and conditioning program, I still cycle and run quite a bit. Because of that, I stay on top of products and gain knowledge in those areas as well as Powerlifting.
That's when I came across this product by Xeroshoes.
The ad spoke to me.
The company was offering a "minimalist" shoe that mimics barefoot because of its extra wide toe box and zero heel-to-toe elevation measurement at a LOW price to boot.
What? EVERYTHING these days costs a small mortgage and multiple missed lunches.
I went to the web-site: www.xeroshoes.com and read more.
When I saw the retro-looking pair that looked exactly like my last pair of training shoes for the Ironman, I thought, "NO WAY! For $89.00? I have to have these bad boys to try out and see if it could really be true. Feels like bare feet and no stupid-looking individual toes. The worst thing that could happen is that they suck and I'm out $89.00
I ordered the white shoes with blue and red stripes and waited. BUT...not too long.
The shoes showed up on my doorstep four days later.
I tore the box open, and rummaged through the packing material to find a nice note from the company's owners. (Hippie-looking couple, which is cool too)
I chuck all that to the side and find the shoes in the box with paper stuffed and the laces tied inside the shoe (I guess for supply chain reasons).
I go about unlacing them and expect to throw a pair of kicks on that are going to be like every other time I imprison my feet.
To my surprise!!! These things fit and fit freak'n well.
The wide-toe box invited my Fred Flintstones to stay and hang out for a while. I get up and pad around my palace for a few minutes and think to myself, "The test will be tomorrow in the gym. We'll see how good these things are"
After kicking around ALL morning (and I mean I am moving in my gym when I coach) and then doing my own training, I STILL feel these are the MOST comfortable shoes I have EVER worn. And I HATE SHOES.
I went so far as to try a few dozen squats and deadlifts and I'm telling you this...These are more BETTER (yes that's correct English)than anything I have witnessed including the Chucks AND those bozo shoes that are in circulation.
I know we don't carry these on our website, and I never encourage anything that I have not personally experienced, but I'm stamping these with a "Selkow Approval".
"Mikey, he likes them."
Tell Steven and Lena I said "Hey". Kidding they don't know me.
Today's Training:
Shoulder Reliever: Day 3; Ball 4
Concept II Row: 15 mins
DB Lateral Raise: 3xAMRAP
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 3x AMRAP
Shrugs: 3x AMRAP
* It's important to note here that if you get more than 15 reps then on the next set go up in weight. It doesn't mean you stop at 15, but if you reach 15 on the next set, GO UP! If you don't get EIGHT reps, then go down! Otherwise, stay where you are.
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 2xAMRAP
Barbell Curl: 2xAMRAP
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 2xAMRAP
Reverse Grip Barbell Curl: 2xAMRAP
** Note, I don't care what weight you use on these last four exercises. All you need to do is tear the skin apart from the "PUMP". I mean blood and muscle fiber everywhere!!!
Blast Strap Row: 50 reps
Pushups: 50 reps
Fat Bar Dead Hang: 30 seconds