I have everyone in the program keeping a journal of their training. I do it so they can see the actual progression of our four big lifts.

  1. Squat
  2. Bench
  3. Deadlift
  4. Overhead Press

When we do accessory work, I do not favor maintaining the biggest numbers for those exercises. Yes, we keep them, but they don't have to improve drastically from session to session. It's more about addressing the muscles used during the "Big" lifts. Get a pump, improve just ever so slightly, and one day out of nowhere, "BAM"! You have an awesome body to match your Goon Strength.

Today's Training:


Lat Pulldown: 4x10

Low Cable Row: 4x10

DB Row: 4x10

Cable Pullover: 4x10

Tricep Pushdown: 4x12

BB Curl: 4x10

Skull Crushers: 4x12

Concentration Curl: 4x10

BOSU Sit-ups: 100

Dead Hang using Fat Gripz: 35 seconds

3" Support Plank: 2x35 seconds

Front Plank: 2x35 seconds
