There was no cycling commute this morning because of the poor air quality. There are a couple of wild wildfires in Northern California and Oregon which are wafting my way causing throat irritation and eye burn. Yes, I know it's bad because yesterday I suffered from it and toyed with the idea of riding again today, sense inhaling those pollutants.

Besides the air smelled more like an electrical fire rather than a not so obnoxious "campfire".

Today's Training:

Shoulder Reliever: Day 7 Ball 4

AirDyne: 5/5/5

GHR: 4x12

Knee Circle Abduction Walk: 4x25 in each direction

Good Mornings: 4 RM

Chain Lunge:

  1. Two chains x 60 total steps
  2. One Chain x 60 total steps
  3. No Chains x 60 total steps

X 4 rounds

Blast Strap Row: 50 reps

Pushups: 50 reps

Fat Bar Dead Hang: 30 seconds